Get your message out into a book that will
inspire others to heal and transform.
With Shari Reinhart

You know for sure you want to write a book.

You know for sure you want to write a book. But… your inside voices are getting the best of you and you’re stuck on the how.

Maybe you’re too full of raw emotion to write your heart out. Or, maybe you’re so removed from the stories you’re retelling that the emotion has been dissolved from it all. You know how to talk about this stuff but not how to write it.

Maybe now is the right time to let go of doing it yourself.

That’s where I come in

I’m a ghostwriter working with aspiring authors to write their healing and transformational stories into books that sell.


The right ghostwriter for messages that are meant to heal, transform and inspire is not one who follows a formula or writes the book in a month.

How can you know if I’m the right one for you?

Is this what you need?

My clients are ready and decisive when they call me in.
They trust me, they know I care and they are invested in the process.



Shari is a talented and beautiful spirit with an uncanny ability to know what you need and steps in right when you’re struggling. I feel like my book is just as important to her as it is to me. Professional, respectful and understanding of the process she turns dreams into reality. She is a beautiful and talented spirit and I’m forever grateful that our paths crossed.


Tame your monkey mind

What’s holding you back? Are you getting in your own way

“I’m too busy.”

“I don’t have time.”

“Who am I to write this book?”

“Where would I even start?”

“The idea of it overwhelms me.”

“I started and stopped so many times that I just gave up.”

“I’m not brave enough.”

“I don’t know how to write.”

“English is my second language.”

Unwild The Muse

Your life is rich and filled with lived experiences yet to be told.

“This will help me heal and transform and I’m ready to do that.” 

“I’m up for the challenge to do what it takes to write this book.”

“It will get out of my brain and feeling into my heart.”

“I want to contribute to the world.”

“I want this book to build on my brand.”

“This will get me speaking gigs to spread my message even further.”

“I want to be able to say I DID IT!”

How will your message get out if it doesn’t get written?

Maybe you’re toying with an idea and want help to flesh it out into a book.


Maybe you don’t have the confidence to write it yourself.


Maybe you want someone else to organize your notes, course material and thoughts.


Maybe you want to become an author but you can’t get yourself to sit down and write.


People who use ghostwriters are not lazy, or incapable of writing their own books.


They want a book of substance. They don’t want to bang out a book in a weekend or a month. They want to fully express themselves and commit to getting it done well. They understand the benefit they will gain from working side by side with an objective and intuitive ghostwriter who coaches them through the process and holds them to their goals and desired outcomes.  


Also, if it’s a book that divulges personal, private and vulnerable parts of yourself to teach and inspire readers, then your ghostwriter must be able to hold space for you. She must be able to write from the space of a soulful connection to the core your truth and unleash the urgent message you wish to share.


This reminds me of what
I'm meant to do.

I keep these plaques on my desk as a talisman
to do my best work always.

As a young child and teen, I journaled my way through boyfriends and bad break ups, and through feeling out of place in the world to finding myself. And then, as a young mother of three, losing myself to them, to the chores and even to my husband, I turned to journaling again. Bit by bit I got to know myself better. I wrote and cried and screamed my way out of the petrified, traumatized being I used to be.


During this transformational time, Oprah’s team invited me on the show to read from my journals (YES! They picked me!) and that did it for me. 

Writing helped me save myself. It led me to Oprah and into a career helping people write books.


If you think that you don’t have “enough of a story” or that your life is “unremarkable” well… think again! Look where my unremarkable suburban housewife life landed me! 

With a spot on The Oprah Winfrey Show reading from my journals.


Your story is remarkable. And it is uniquely yours to tell.

I am here to do this with you and for you wherever you are at in the process.


I am NOT mechanical or formulaic

I do NOT write a book in a month [or over a weekend]

I am NOT a machine, so I carefully select only 6 clients to write for per year

This is NOT my hobby. It is a heart and soul offering of my talent so you get your book idea done and out into the world 

Who works with me?

Spiritually-minded people working on themselves


Coaches, Consultants


Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Small business owners




Health, wellness, fitness


Yoga, meditation

memoir | teaching memoir | business books



I was too subjective to write the book I needed to write. Shari held space for me as I wrote and recorded highlights of some of my traumatic and transformational moments in my life. It was a cathartic and collaborative process with Shari taking over the heavy lifting and weaving depth and wisdom into the experiences that unfold in my memoir.


Now… imagine it done.

Up on Amazon and on store shelves

Signings, parties and sales

People thanking you for your courage to offer your transformative and inspirational book

Feelings of confidence, accomplishment and pride abound

Speaking gigs that pay

Fill in the blank of what getting it done does for you _____________________

Dear beautiful writer,

I know that it takes a great deal of courage to undo the conditioning that led you to think you were not enough. Maybe you heard a lot of… “Not good enough, not smart enough, not quiet enough, or pretty enough, or skinny enough, or strong enough….


I know the courage it takes to put yourself out there.


Book or no book. It doesn’t matter. You have a voice. If it means holding your heart close to your chest, so be it. If it means spilling your guts out in a book, so be it.


Either way, it’s your decision to make.


Ultimately, if you have a book in you that you’re aching to get out into the world, you will make it happen. I am here for that.


I support, coach, guide, prompt and provide the space for magic to flow from you so that book you say you want to write. And I write it with you. It’s as good as done.


Your lived experiences and expertise inspire others how to become better versions of themselves. They deserve to be unburied.


I thought I could do it on my own but I was just too busy with my enterprises to write the book myself. Shari took my concept and some pages of notes and crafted them into a book for me. I loved the experience and now I have a book I’m proud of. You should call her!”

