Host of The Metamorphosis Monologues

Funny thing about this podcast: I didn’t choose it. I was awakened by it many, many 3ams in a row. In my sleepy state the name, the concept and the soul of it dropped deep down into my bones. There was no whispering involved – it was all very loud and clear.


Perhaps most influential in the conceptualization of this podcast was my involvement as the founder, organizer and leader of a Montreal women’s networking group for 11 years of twice-monthly meetings, MiB Networking for Women in Montreal. Through that, I have had the privilege of meeting and listening to hundreds of women and you know what I learned about us? We all have stories of struggle. And we have stories to tell of how we managed to overcome them and step up to a bigger and better life.


I am in the business of listening, talking about and writing other people’s stories about struggle and triumph and all aspects of my life’s work have planted me here. Twenty years of ongoing personal development work. A lifetime of daily journaling. Over 15 years of writing professionally.


The themes of The Metamorphosis Monologues are the sum of all our parts and the podcast itself is an offering.


I am totally and completely here for this. Will you join us?

MetaMono  Resources

This list of resources has been compiled and is updated frequently. In these lists you will find the names of people and places, books and webinars, tools and techniques that have been mentioned by our guests as resources that helped them get through their hard things.

• Gabriella Embon

• Doreen Mary Bray

• Marc Samoisette

• Lisa Lajoie

• The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz

• Braving the Wilderness, Brene Brown

• Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl

• Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert

• Quiet, Susan Cain

• The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer

• Insight Timer – meditation and lectures

• Sounds True – Transformational programs
